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Teach with confidence and learn the skills to be a qualified crochet teacher! Ever wondered how to teach left handed if you are right? How do you set out a lesson plan or manage difficult students in the class. Trying to get the finishing touches to your stitches to ensure you are teaching them correctly? Join our amazing team of teachers in crochet with over 50years of teaching skills, together you will receive an informative and engaging education in how to teach crochet.
The competencies achieved in Crochet Guild Australia's course are the same as the Craft Yarn Council of America (CYCA) but by attending our face to face training you will learn the qualities and differences that Australian's use with their crochet.
You will be taught by a selection of our top teachers and your course is delivered face to face in a classroom setting over the two days prior to the National Crochet Conference in Sydney, 2023. (so if you are intending to come to the National Conference - then this is a great add-on).
Join us in our classrooms at the Wesley Conference Centre for this popular face-to-face training over a 2 day period.
COST: $700 for NON CGA Members. $495 for CGA Members.
Sign up now! Class numbers are capped to 20.
To secure placement, please register and pay HERE.
Constitution | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Become a Member Crochet Guild Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisationP.O. Box 136 Ourimbah NSW 2258