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  • Janie Crow - special guest "members only" zoom with Crochet Guild Australia

Janie Crow - special guest "members only" zoom with Crochet Guild Australia

  • 26 May 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Online ZOOM meeting


Registration is closed

She is the darling of the United Kingdom's crochet world winning the coveted award as Most Iconic Crochet Designer' category in this year's British Knitting & Crochet awards.

She is also the designer of well known crochet patterns:  Frida's Flowers, Persian Tiles, Magic Circles, and nearly 50 other amazing patterns available through her Ravelry Store.

Jane Crowfoot (aka Janie Crow) also happens to be married to an Australian!!

Janie is delighted to accept our invitation to conduct a Crochet Guild Australia "Members Only" zoom at 7pm on Thursday 26 May.

Your zoom link to attend this meeting is here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwof-CrpjwjEtJ2GQLvAAF7_PHImJ3zC8jz

We have made a limited number tickets available for this event for non members of Crochet Guild Australia for $5 each. But the easiest way to ensure that you are included in this zoom is to join Crochet Guild Australia.

We look forward to your suggestions of who you would like us to invite for the June special guest zoom.  Email your suggestions to us here.

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Crochet Guild Australia Inc.  non-profit organisation
P.O. Box 7110, Sippy Downs QLD 4556

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